Photo 17-09-2015 07 06 33Serjeant Gibson and I have been off the air for a while.  The main reason has been that we have been visiting the battlefields of the Peninsular War on the back of horses. We were looking in particular at the 1813 campaign when Marshal Soult, grandly titled the Duke of Dalmatia,  counter attacked towards Pamplona. He was stopped by Wellington at the battle of Sorauren.

Our route took us over some stunning scenery. We were well mounted and ambled amongst oak and horse chestnut woods. Sometimes we slept out, other evenings were spent in rural inns which abound in those parts. We were blessed with good weather and only got wet once or twice. The basque food was delicious and there was plenty of it. It was a very happy excursion. 20150918_122806


