Dan and kids 1 (800x766)

The General  and I  went to an interesting session the other day in the House of Commons, where about 150 schoolchildren were treated to a talk by Dan Snow on the Battle of Waterloo. He was quite excellent as he decided to make them play the parts in the battle. So if you look at the snap (by kind permission of Alexandra Morgan Thomas) you will see the French in black, attacking the British in red and just to the side you can just see the Prussians lurking in the background. Those who played the parts will never forget the experience and also the chance to see “the mother of Parliaments” – built in my lifetime! I never saw it then so I was pleased to be there. I asked about the famous mural by Maclise but we couldn’t go and see it as it is the Lords. Take a view of it in the 200 items. Dan Snow was brilliant in making history come alive and I applaud him.