Until recently I had never heard of General Bourmont.  He was the French General of a Division who deserted with half of his divisional staff to the Prussians during the Hundred Days.  He is an interesting cove.  A nobleman who fought against the Revolution but succumbs to Napoleon and is appointed to command a Division in 1815.  However he changes sides during the campaign and whilst helpful to Blücher the old Marshal would not even see him.

In later life he fights in Spain and Algiers for Louis XVIII and Charles X makes him  a Marshal of France.  Briefly he is Minister for War (how Napoleon would  have cringed at this appointment).  When he declines allegiance to Louis Philippe he goes to Portugal and fights with Dom Miguel in the  Liberal Wars.  But when Dom Miguel loses Bourmont he escapes to Rome.

Amazingly he is given an amnesty and returns to France where he dies.  For more on this traitor read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-Auguste-Victor,_Count_de_Ghaisnes_de_Bourmont



