
Waterloo 200, in partnership with the Online Book Company, are excited to unveil a new project, uniting 200 schools across Europe in a collaborative work to uncover our shared Waterloo history.

Every one of these 200 schools, located across Britain and in continental Europe, has researched a soldier connected to their local area. They’ve also adopted an object connected to the Battle of Waterloo, many of which can be seen in our Waterloo in 200 Objects series. They’ve uploaded their research onto the e-book, to inspire and assist other students. This ongoing project is still growing – find out how your school can take part!

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Over 200 students from these schools attended the Service of Commemoration in St. Paul’s Cathedral, a brilliant chance to see at first hand the importance of Waterloo and how it is remembered today.

Students from the 200 Schools project at St. Paul's Cathedral, 18 June 2015.

Students from the 200 Schools project at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 18 June 2015.