Waterloo in the House of Lords

January 15, 2015 - The Chairman

On Monday afternoon there was a short debate in answer to a question on the Commemorations and should you be interested go to http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201415/ldhansrd/text/150112-0001.htm#15011223000401.  There was mention of the famous Maclise mural painting in the Queen’s Gallery in the House of Lords which is in need of restoration: This is a very intricate and complex matter and […]

The Duke’s Last Journey

January 10, 2015 - The Chairman

This excellent photo from Friday’s Daily Telegraph shows the Duke on his last journey being carried by Warrant and Non Commissioned officers of the 1st Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, who were not long ago the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment (33rd and 76th of Foot) of which the Duke was proud to be the only Non […]

Did you know?

January 7, 2015 - The Chairman

The man who made those fantastic pianos we can’t afford to own fought at Waterloo! Henry Steinway, founder of piano manufacturing company Steinway & Sons, was born in Brunswick, Germany in 1797 and was a participant in the 1815 Battle of Waterloo against France. Presumably he was with the Brunswickers. At age 25 he married […]