This snuffbox is made from one of the hooves of Napoleon’s horse, Marengo, set in silver. It is kept in the regimental silver of the British Army’s Foot Guards, and remains a treasured reminder of the Battle of Waterloo.

The lid of the snuffbox is made of gold, and is engraved with the legend:

“Hoof of Marengo Barb[ary] charger of Napoleon ridden by him at Marengo, Austerlitz, Jena, Wagram, in the campaign of Russia, and lastly at WATERLOO.”

Discover the story of Napoleon’s horse Marengo, or how its hooves became precious silver mementos.

Private Collection

Some objects - such as this one - are owned by private collectors. Waterloo 200 cannot give information on the ownership or location of these items.